In the coming day, you will present yourself before the Savior… His identity, His Atonement, and His attributes will become personal and real to you. But you don’t have to wait until then. Choose to be one of His disciples now. Be one who truly loves Him, who truly wants to serve and lead as He did.
- Russell M. Nelson
Study the Savior's Words, 2018
Meet Our Team

Meghan Farner, Director
Meghan Farner is a lifelong disciple of Jesus Christ, her most favorite thing in the world being deep doctrinal conversations, particular as they relate to becoming spiritually prepared to receive the Master. She openly advocates the practice of fearlessly seeking truth out of all places the spirit may lead, while being immovably grounded in Jesus Christ. Her background in business, communications, psychology, and human relations, along with her personal studies of scripture + apocrypha, ancient history, and other faith traditions, make her a renaissance woman, and an engaging hostess and presenter. Meghan and her family live in East Idaho.
Connect with Meghan for personal coaching, speaker engagements, podcast recordings, and more!
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