The Secret Saviors Project
As disciples of Jesus Christ, one of the primary desires of our hearts is to become like our Savior. And how can we expect to become like Him unless we are willing to become (lowercase-s) “saviors” ourselves. Administering relief to the sick, needy and afflicted is a sign of true discipleship. As we progress through obedience to the voice of Christ and are blessed through the grace of His Atonement to receive a remission of our sins, we are charged to “…impart of your substance to the poor, every man according to that which he hath, such as feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, visiting the sick and administering to their relief, both spiritually and temporally, according to their wants.”
The spiritual path to godhood will ultimately require each of us to develop the gift of charity to the degree that we are more concerned with one another’s welfare than we are with our own. With this in mind, Latter-day Disciples is grateful to announce the Secret Saviors Project! Our ultimate goal is to offer an opportunity to participate in being “saviours on Mt. Zion” through either nominating a need, or donating to the Secret Saviors Fund.

How to Donate
Your humble offerings will allow the Secret Saviors Project to administer to the relief of individuals and families in a variety of ways, including: providing money for basic needs like gas, rent, utilities and food, supplying Christmas gifts, covering health expenses, etc.
The Latter-day Disciples team is accepting donations via our DonorBox. All donations designated to the Secret Savior Program will be utilized 100% for the administration of relief to selected recipients. You are welcome to make both recognized and anonymous donations. Recognized donations will be listed on the Secret Saviors Donor page on the Latter-day Disciples website.
Donations are welcome to be made in any amount.
The Latter-day Disciples team retains no funds from the Secret Saviors Project.
Nominate a Need
The challenges of living in the last days are vast. So many are struggling under the weight of expenses, debt, medical needs, family emergencies, and a host of other trials. Your network is much more vast and expansive than ours is alone! As we collaborate, we have the opportunity to reach many more of God’s children than we could do individually. We want to know who you know – what individuals or families are in your circle that are in need of relief? Who do you know who can benefit from a month of gas money, a few Christmas gifts for their children, or a hundred dollars to cover a medical bill? We want to be a secret savior to them, with you!!
The Latter-day Disciples team will prayerfully consider nominations, and determine capacity to fill as many needs as possible based on the amount of funds available. We will contact the nominator with details when their nominee has been selected to receive a secret saviors gift.
Nominations for this project are now closed.

Nomination Requirements
Please note the following requirements for eligible nominations:
1- The Nominee(s) must live in the United States.
2- The Nominee(s) must be 18 years of age or older. Adult parents or guardians should be listed as the recipient for minors in their care.
3- The Nominee(s) should be persons or individuals in need, including those suffering under the weight of financial, health, mental, physical, and related burdens.
4- The Nominator must be able to provide the following information about the individual or family: name(s), age(s), mailing address, detailed information about their situation, and a recommended gift (i.e. gas card, grocery card, physical gifts, etc.)
5- The Nominator must provide the following information about themselves: name, email, phone number, address, contact method, relationship to nominee. They must be willing to receive communications regarding coordination of gifts.
Join Us!
While we joyfully anticipate the impending cleansing of the Earth and forthcoming return of our Ultimate Savior, Jesus Christ, we humbly accept the privilege to fulfill Obadiah’s vision:
“And saviours shall come up on mount Zion,…and the kingdom shall be the Lord’s.” (Obadiah 1).
We invite you to join us in following the footsteps of our Savior as we consider the poor, the needy, the sick, the afflicted, and many who stand in need of comfort and support. Thank you for serving with us as secret saviors!