
Welcome Disciple

As a seeker of truth, you desire to develop spiritually, be powerfully transformed, and experience Jesus Christ. (2 Nephi 31:17-21) You take the doctrine that men and women can become like God, our Heavenly Parents, very seriously, and want to put in the effort now so that promise can be realized later. (D&C 93:28)



However, perhaps you’ve struggled to part the veils of unbelief – false beliefs and traditions, assumed identity, mortal challenges, and fear – which conceal the knowledge and wisdom that will enable you to ascend. (Ether 4:2-7,15) As a woman, perhaps you have struggled to know how you fit within the gospel context and what spiritual development looks like for you specifically, with your unique identity, body, and roles. 

Our Purpose

Our mission is to guide seekers on the path of spiritual ascension — a journey of growth, refinement, and divine connection. By unfolding the mysteries of godliness, we delve into sacred truths that reveal God’s eternal design for His children. This path calls us to embrace both humility and strength, learning to walk in wisdom, grace, and power. As we deepen our understanding of our divine identity, we are invited to become spiritual Kings and Queens — individuals who lead with love, serve with purpose, and reflect the light of the Almighty God. This transformation is not just a calling; it is a covenant to rise, reign, and rejoice in His presence. Our team of volunteers strive to bring you the resources and tools to support your journey, as you continue along the path of awakening.

Meet Meghan

Meghan Farner similarly struggled with false beliefs, incorrect traditions, and a lack of knowledge. She believed she already knew all she needed to in order to experience salvation and exaltation, not knowing just how much she didn’t know. After a transformative encounter with Christ, she began to see the expansive nature of God, how truth can be found in all places, and that accumulating as much light as possible is absolutely necessary for spiritual development. 


Meghan also began to see how women especially are veiled from themselves, unaware of their power, divine inheritance, and eternal potential. She was eventually led to discover more about Heavenly Mother and how women can know Her by truly learning about and embracing themselves. 


Although she has little in the way of worldly accolades, Meghan deeply feels the need to share what she has learned with others. She doesn’t claim to be an expert. Rather, she provides information, resources, and tools, and invites you to take radical responsibility for your own spiritual growth.

Become a True Disciple

“By understanding the temple’s template of spiritual development for women and men, gaining knowledge and wisdom (mind + body + heart + spirit), and connecting with other like-hearted seekers, you can “receive of [God’s] fulness, and be glorified in [Christ]…you shall receive grace for grace.” (D&C 93:20)

Therefore, repent all ye ends of the earth, and come unto me, and believe in my gospel, …and signs shall follow them that believe in my name. And blessed [are they] that [are] found faithful unto my name at the last day, for [they] shall be lifted up to dwell in the kingdom prepared for [them] from the foundation of the world.” (Ether 4:18-19)


Part of the spiritual awakening process, as referenced in Ether 8:24-25, involves gaining knowledge and understanding to recognize and overcome the influences that seek to deceive and destroy. Education plays a vital role in this journey, empowering individuals to discern truth, develop spiritual strength, and align their lives with God’s will. The Latter-Day Disciples actively support this awakening by providing valuable resources such as the Hidden Wisdom Podcast, which explores profound gospel insights; the Tree in the Garden Blog, offering thoughtful reflections and guidance; as well as impactful events, books, and transformative courses designed to deepen one’s understanding of the role of the divine feminine and masculine, the path taught in the Temple, Jewish traditions and Christian mysticism, and explore lessons from near-death experiences and visions. These resources equip seekers with the knowledge and spiritual tools necessary to embrace truth, reject darkness, and walk the path that leads to divine light and eternal progression.


Repentance is not merely about correction—it is profound healing. Through repentance, we invite the Savior’s grace into our lives, allowing His infinite love and power to mend what is broken. This healing extends beyond personal mistakes; it reaches the wounds caused by trauma, generational iniquity, and the burdens passed down through family lines. As we turn to Christ with a humble heart, He not only forgives but also restores, offering peace where there was pain and strength where there was weakness. True healing comes as we surrender our sorrows, scars, imperfections, and heartbreaks to Him, trusting in His power to break cycles of hurt and replace them with patterns of hope, love, and renewed purpose. Coming to Christ is the ultimate path to wholeness—a journey where repentance becomes the gateway to lasting spiritual and emotional peace.


Building meaningful connections is at the heart of the Latter-Day Disciples community. Our events provide powerful in-person experiences where individuals gather to learn, uplift one another, and strengthen their faith. Additionally, our Facebook group offers a welcoming online space for ongoing conversation, shared insights, and mutual support. These resources create a network of connection where members can grow together in their discipleship, find encouragement in their spiritual journey, and build lasting relationships grounded in faith and truth.

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