Latter-Day Disciples Podcast Trailer
Hey! This is Meghan Farner, host of the Latter-day Disciples Podcast. Over the course of 2021, you have heard a lot of commentary about various “mandates” – but did you know that our prophet, President Russell M. Nelson, declared a mandate as well? In October 2020, in his closing remarks at General Conference, President Nelson declared our divine mandate as disciples of Christ – “… that of preparing ourselves and the world for the Second Coming of the Lord.”

Here at The Latter-day Disciples podcast, we are determined to do just that. Each week starting in January 2022, we will be bringing you empowering and fortifying truth to help you boldly live the gospel, recognize the signs of the times, and prepare for the return of our Savior, Jesus Christ. In every episode, you can expect to gain insight on the unique opportunities and responsibilities of living in the last days, with all of the challenges and especially the blessings. You will learn to see the world through a spiritual lens as we observe current events and what undoubtedly will come to pass. And above all else, you will feel more tangibly your own divine identity and the call you have been given to participate in the preparation of the world.

We invite you to join us in what will be a spiritually awakening journey as we adhere to our Lord’s mandate together. Be sure to subscribe to The Latter-day Disciples Podcast wherever you listen to podcasts so you don’t miss a single Tuesday morning release.
There are great days ahead for those who love the Lord. We can’t wait to share them with you!
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Are you wanting to deepen your Come Follow Me study this year? Join McKay on the Daily Discipleship Podcast Monday through Friday for daily inspiration in a bite-size format.

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Our Honey + Lilies Blog is dedicated to helping you prepare for the days ahead. Want to get started? Click here.