Episode 77: Putting On Christ Pt. One
ft. Steven Bishop
Meghan: Hi everyone. Welcome to this episode of the Latter Day Disciples podcast. I’m so grateful to be joined by my friend, Steven Anthony Bishop. Steven was born on the seventh day of the seventh month in Southern California, yet he considers Utah to be his home base. He’s worked as an entrepreneur for most of his professional life and is a seasoned real estate investor.
He is also best known for having obtained the first ever granted exclusive worldwide license to replicate Michael Angelo’s incomparable La Pieta sculpture from the Vatican Observatory Foundation. His company, Vescovo Buonarroti Art, has made the viewing of its replicas available to Catholic churches throughout the United States as well as internationally. Stephen has served in many callings in the church, beginning as a young missionary in Seville Spain. Since his mission, he has worked in other callings, including serving as a priest quorum advisor, elders quorum president, in the bishopric and as a director of public affairs for Tempe and Chandler, Arizona. When not serving in the church, he can be found doing missionary work and finding the Lord’s elect. He is a witness to the reality of the risen Savior, Jesus Christ, and shares his message with all those who will listen. Most particularly, he is the author of the incredible book, Putting On Christ, and that will be a large part of our discussion. He joyfully welcomes opportunities to promote additional faith building experiences in Jesus Christ, including volunteering to speak at firesides. He and his wife, Rebecca recently moved from Arizona to Utah and have raised four daughters along with a little Yorkie named Gracie, who they swear is an actual person. So grateful Steve to have you with us today.
For a little bit of background, additionally, for our listeners. A couple of quick notes: this discussion is one that Steve and I have been working towards for quite some time and it is one that we both feel, significantly, the spiritual importance of this conversation. We’re going to be talking about Spiritual rebirth and so many of the things that come along with that. This is going to be a multi part podcast series, probably 2 or 3 episodes. So hopefully it’ll be enough that you guys can listen and digest it over a week and then get a little bit more. There is also a heavy visual component to this. Steve has a slide show that is going along with this whole discussion. It’s going to be more of him teaching and less of an interactive discussion than our podcasts normally are, but I think that that’s the right format for this. If you do want to see the PowerPoint that goes along with this, please access this podcast on YouTube, then you’ll be able to see the PowerPoint that is associated with this. So all that being said, Steve again, thank you so much, so grateful to have you. I’ll turn the time over to you to introduce the discussion.

Hey I’m really excited to be with you and to share this journey that is so miraculous. And I want those who are listening to understand that–and to bring hope to those who are listening–that those who are seemingly or may feel seemingly the furthest away from knowing the Lord and partaking of his salvation may actually be the closest to partaking of it. And we’ll get into that a little bit deeper in this presentation. I want everyone to know that what I’m going to share tonight might not be something that you hear frequently, the experiences that will be shared and the knowledge shared will be from experience that I’ve had through my own journey to spiritual rebirth and within that journey there are specific patterns. So the book Putting on Christ, which I wrote, highlights those patterns and the reason why they’re highlighted is to help other people to understand where perhaps they may be along this journey to spiritual rebirth. And the road map discussed at the bottom here of the book on the cover really highlights a lot of the way marks that we will encounter along this journey.
Last night I watched for the third time a movie called, Little Boy. I highly recommend listeners to watch this movie. And the movie is about the pure faith of a little child. And so I wanted to start with that and express that in order to move forward in our journey to Christ, we must first go backwards. And I know what you’re thinking. What does that mean? So really what we’re to do is to get in touch with our inner child, the pure child of God 5hat has become entombed in the hardened adult version of us. We must once again arrive at that space of childlike being, in order to become believing again. Whatever it takes, we must do what we can to heal our hearts of all trauma, but especially childhood trauma. And while we’re going through this– let’s call it therapy–we must continue to draw close to him with that inner child found in the heart space within all of us. So perhaps instead of believing in a Santa Claus or in a tooth fairy, we are to believe in a pure love story. The main characters of this love story involve you and the person you are coming unto. And this can be done through visualization, visualizing your own encounter with Christ that person is who we are to be coming unto.
We can bow the knee now. Or we can bow the knee later when it might be too late. This is the work of salvation. I would encourage us all to bow the knee now and not delay. As our gaze is constantly fixed on him we will be spiritually creating his eventual manifestation, likely even unknowingly; so the knowledge of his reality and power might thereby come to fruition and be fulfilled in our lives. We can approach and hear him best in the stillness. We can visualize meeting him. I visualized my own encounter with him repeatedly over a decade before finding him. I’d like to introduce a song I’m going to play and would ask that you just listen to the song with eyes closed and that you focus on the lyrics of the song and let it sink in.
Are there quotes from modern-day prophets and apostles in Putting on Christ? Absolutely! There are over 200 citations with Joseph alone. Others include: Russell M. Nelson, Bruce R. McConkie, M. Russell Ballard, David A. Bednar, Dallin H. Oaks, D. Todd Christofferson, Neil A. Maxwell, Boyd K. Packer, Joseph B. Worthlin, George Q. Cannon, Parley P. Pratt, Quentin L. Cook, Charles W. Penrose, Dieter F. Uchtdorf, Jeffrey R. Holland, Robert D. Hales, Daniel Wells, Orson F. Whitney, Brigham Young, Harold B. Lee, Orson Pratt, Delbert L. Stapley, James E. Faust, David O. McKay, Marion G. Romney, Joseph Fielding Smith, Spencer W. Kimball, Lorenzo Snow, Howard W. Hunter, Joseph F. Smith, Reuben Clark, John Taylor, and Wilford Woodruff
Putting On Christ Tweet

He Is Here
Gaither Vocal Band
I sense an awesome moving of the Holy Spirit,
And I see His Countenance resting on your face
I know that there are Angels hovering all around us
For the presence of The Lord is in this place
He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again
He is here, Listen closely, Hear Him calling out your name
He is here you can touch Him, You will never be the same
I searched for peace among the shadows dark and lonely
Gave up finding that strong and lasting love
I tasted all the things that sin could think to offer me.
But today I feast on manna from above
He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again
He is here, Listen closely Hear Him calling out Your name
He is here You can touch Him You will never be the same
He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again
He is here, Listen closely Hear Him calling out Your name
He is here You can touch Him You will never be the same
He is here You can touch Him You will never be the same
He is here, Hallelujah! He is here, Amen!
He is here, Holy, Holy, I will bless His name again

So this is our vision. The scriptures tell us that where there is no vision, the people perish. And I would like for all of us to embed this image called Journey’s End, the painting, but embed this image into our psyches. This must be our vision in mortality. When we have an encounter with the living son of the living God, we will never again be the same. Why? Because we will have come to the knowledge of him, a perfect knowledge, not just about him.
My wife is studying a healing therapy modality and doing an online training course right now. As part of this training, she’s had the opportunity to do what they call ‘breakout sessions’– so this would be via Zoom–where she would break out with another student. On occasion, her partner, another student, a male, broke down in tears, telling her that his greatest desire was to know God. This touched my soul deeply because this had been my desire for over two decades of seeking him. The search to know God is our heroic journey.
There’s a brother in Australia that I recently listened to on a podcast, who was recently baptized into church. He spoke of his lifelong search to find the true church. I believe he said it was 41 years that it took him to find the true church. And given that he was baptized into the church and received the laying on of hands, if he continues faithful, he can later be baptized into Christ and thereby put on Christ. Our fuel to salvation, to knowing God, will be this intense desire, just like this student that did the breakout session with my wife. The intense desire to know God, I cannot emphasize enough the critical nature of finding this desire. With desire, we will diligently seek him. And if we diligently seek, we shall find and know the Lord; it’s a promise from a God who cannot lie. Listen to these verses. If you would. “I, Nephi, having great desires to know the mysteries of God, wherefore I did cry unto the Lord and he did visit me. And I spoke unto Sam, making known unto him the things which the Lord had manifested unto me by his Holy Spirit. And the Lord spake unto me, saying, Blessed art thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou hast sought me diligently with lowliness of heart.” Mormon said, “Therefore I was visited of the Lord, and tasted and knew of the goodness of Jesus.”
We all believe that these special visits, these endowments, are available to prophets and apostles, do we not? But do we believe that they are also available for us, personally and individually? If not, then this will be the great hurdle that we must overcome. The question we must all eventually come to ask ourselves–that is, if we’re to be saved–is this singular question: that question is,”Am I right with God?” We must allow this question to sink deep into our souls through deep, solemn, ponderous thinking, interspersed with meditative alone time with God. So when I play some of these songs during this presentation and discussion, I want you to first close your eyes as discussed, focus on the words and message of the lyrics, and third, open your heart space in an effort to feel the word of God’s spirit speak to you.

We are all living in Lehi’s dream. Because of the fall of Adam, most of us are living outside the presence of God and therefore know not God. Our whole objective is to make our way back into his presence, this begins by receiving the first comforter or Holy Ghost. The Holy Ghost will thereafter lead us unto Christ and all other endowments. Everything we do in the church and gospel of Jesus Christ is tied to building faith in Jesus Christ, because it is faith that ultimately saves. “For by grace are ye saved through faith. (Eph 2:8) Salvation is to partake of the fruit of the tree of life, which is to know God.
Said another way, Lehi’s dream is about following the light of Christ, a personal revelation, until we are led to partake of the fruit of salvation and a redemption in Christ. This is when we obtain the knowledge of God.
You’ll notice this depiction in this painting, that we have the rod of iron, which is truly the light of Christ, and it’s the revelatory light of Christ that reveals to us where we are at on this journey. And we have to receive that revelation in order to come to partake of his salvation and know Him. This is a real event in our lives. It’s a real experience that we can all have. And you’ll notice also that prior to arriving to the tree–right before the tree–you’ll notice a gentleman that is on one knee–perhaps he’s about ready to get out on a second knee–but we will have a type of rock bottom experience, most of us. This is when we go into the depths of repentance. This is when we fall down and cry out–a lot of times in putting on Christ I refer to this as our crash site.
Receiving the ordinances by proper authority could be viewed as the ‘Lesser Portion of the Word’. This is the relatively easy part of our Spiritual Journey. Now, “The Greater Portion of the Word” comes from mostly inward performances of the soul when the Ordinances performed on our heads are justified or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit of Promise, unto the praise and glory of God! The remission of sins and sure promise of eternal life is part of the Redemption of Christ when one is born of God, together with the oneness with and perfect knowledge of the Deity, particularly in terms of Their absolute, manifested reality, are the preeminent gifts obtained during spiritual rebirth. This is full conversion, even as on the day of Pentecost. This is “the knowledge of God” or “the knowledge of the Lord” spoken of in scripture that we may all obtain in mortality.
You’ll notice this depiction in this painting, that we have the rod of iron, which is truly the light of Christ, and it’s the revelatory light of Christ that reveals to us where we are at on this journey. And we have to receive that revelation in order to come to partake of his salvation and know Him. This is a real event in our lives. It’s a real experience that we can all have. And you’ll notice also that prior to arriving to the tree–right before the tree–you’ll notice a gentleman that is on one knee–perhaps he’s about ready to get out on a second knee–but we will have a type of rock bottom experience, most of us. This is when we go into the depths of repentance. This is when we fall down and cry out–a lot of times in putting on Christ I refer to this as our crash site.
Receiving the ordinances by proper authority could be viewed as the ‘Lesser Portion of the Word’. This is the relatively easy part of our Spiritual Journey. Now, “The Greater Portion of the Word” comes from mostly inward performances of the soul when the Ordinances performed on our heads are justified or “sealed” by the Holy Spirit of Promise, unto the praise and glory of God! The remission of sins and sure promise of eternal life is part of the Redemption of Christ when one is born of God, together with the oneness with and perfect knowledge of the Deity, particularly in terms of Their absolute, manifested reality, are the preeminent gifts obtained during spiritual rebirth. This is full conversion, even as on the day of Pentecost. This is “the knowledge of God” or “the knowledge of the Lord” spoken of in scripture that we may all obtain in mortality.

Now, my wife and I were given the opportunity to be site leaders for the tabernacle tour. It’s a replica of the tabernacle of Moses that the Israelites used as their traveling temple, if you will. And this is a picture in Logan, Utah, but everything about this tabernacle, everything is about journeying back into the presence of God and presence of the Lord.
Notice we have here the altar of sacrifice that leads to the laver of water, which leads into the holy place which is part of the first part of the larger building or the building you can see there, which leads into the Holy of Holies.

This is in the Holy place. So you see the shewbread there, there’s 12 loaves. Each loaf represents one of the tribes of Israel. You see the altar of incense near the veil. Again, this is about the journey to come into the presence of God and this is a replicate going through Utah right now. So you can reach out to your priesthood leaders, your bishops and stake presidents to ask about when this particular tour will come through your area.

This is the Menorah, even Candles, a very specific number talking about completion, imperfection, and wholeness.

And then this is in the Holy of Holies, where we have the Ark of the Covenant. Again, this is all symbolic of the same journey, and it mirrors the endowment within our own temples. The journey to come into the presence of God.
I’m going to play a song that was written by my wife, Rebecca. If you close your eyes and connect with it and visualize your encounter with him just as a little child, and then we’ll talk some more on the other side of this song.
Seek His Face
Rebecca Bishop
This life can be so hard.
I’ll try with all my heart
to follow in my Father’s plan.
My Savior you have shown.
That I am not alone,
for in my soul I feel you there.
I just want to know you,
How I long to hold you.
Jesus, I adore you.
I need your grace.
I will seek your face.
I will seek your face.
This world is growing cold,
but your promises will hold,
If I but learn to do your will.
I’ll follow in your light,
till I am burning bright,
With a knowledge that I can’t deny.
I just want to know you,
How I long to hold you.
Jesus, I adore you.
I need your grace.
I will seek your face.
I will seek your face.
The heavens declare your glory.
God of my Salvation.
I just want to know you,
How I long to hold you.
Jesus, I adore you.
I need your grace.
I will seek your face.
I will seek your face.
I will seek your face.
Your face.
Oh Your beautiful face.
By the way, if you’d like to hear that song again, you can go to puttingonchrist.com and listen to that and several other songs sung by my wife, they’re all written by her. And also she does the harmonies in them, but they’re all about the journey to salvation and knowing God. So this desire then, we need to have this desire to know him, to seek his face, we need to allow that desire to consume us. We need to allow that desire to completely encompass our daily experience as much as possible. And we must understand that diligently seeking Christ is tied to finding Christ. And there’s lots of ways that we can diligently seek him, and we’ll discuss that further in this discussion.

Seek Diligently:
- And it came to pass that the Lord spake unto me saying: Blessed are thou, Nephi, because of thy faith, for thou has sought me diligently, with lowliness of heart. (1 Nephi 2:19)
- I, Nephi, was desirous also that I might see, and hear and know of these things, by the power of the Holy Ghost, which is the gift of God unto all those who diligently seek Him, as well in times of old as in the time that He should manifest Himself unto the children of men. (1 Nephi 10:17)
- For He is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and the way is prepared for all men from the foundation of the world, if it so be that they repent and come unto Him. (1 Nephi 10:18)
- For He that diligently seeketh shall find; and the mysteries of God shall be unfolded unto them, by the power of the Holy Ghost, as well in these times as in times of old, and as well in times of old as in times to come; wherefore, the course of the Lord is one eternal round. (1 Nephi 10:19)
- But without faith it is impossible to please him; for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that is He is the rewarder of them that diligently seek Him, (Hebrews 11:6)
- And now, I would commend you to seek this Jesus of whom the prophets and apostles have written, that the grace of God the Father, and also the Lord Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost, which beareth record of them, may be and abide in you forever. Amen. (Ether 12:41)
- Now, I, the Lord am not well pleased with the inhabitants of Zion, for there are idlers among them; and their children are also growing up in wickedness; they also seek not earnestly the riches of eternity, but their eyes are full of greediness. (D&C 68:31)

Fellow seeker, the gift of the Holy Ghost, the ordinance, is different and apart from the actual reception and enjoyment of the gift of the Holy Ghost. Herein lies the confusion for many or most. Both are called the gift of the Holy Ghost. One is the promise received by the laying on of hands, and the other is the fulfillment of the promise.
Remission of Sins
- Baptism is for remission of sins. Children have no sins… Children are all made alive in Christ, and those of riper years through faith and repentance. (Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 314)
- Sins are remitted not in the waters of baptism, as we say in speaking figuratively, but when we receive the Holy Ghost…We become clean when we actually receive the fellowship and companionship of the Holy Ghost. It is then that sin and dross and evil are burned out of our souls as though by fire. (Bruce R. McConkie, ‘A New Witness for the Articles of Faith’ pg. 290)

Notice that it was a directive to strive to receive the baptism of the Spirit. How many of us know and understand that if we have not received the 2nd baptism by God that we have not been effectively baptized? That should bring us all quickly to our knees.

Now, fellow seeker, these are just a few, these are not all, but all of these synonyms, let’s call them, are pointing us to the experiential reality of salvation and to the God who actually redeems us, who is Jesus Christ.
The knowledge of God obtained through that second baptism (Not about God), but the knowledge of God comes after receiving both baptisms. The first is performed by man with proper authority under the direction of priesthood keys. The second is performed by God directly, not involving any man. This second baptism, or spiritual rebirth, is when we are redeemed by Christ. and come to the perfect knowledge of him.
So we know the ordinance is called the gift of the Holy Ghost. The next question would be, what is the experience like to receive the actual reception and enjoyment of the gift of the Holy Ghost? The prophet Joseph Smith actually defined what the first comforter is, but before we get there, we’re going to talk about the pattern for obtaining the rebirth or being born of the spirit: The second baptism performed by God.
This is found in King Benjamin’s talk, which was actually delivered to him by an angel. And it starts off with verse one of chapter four of Mosiah. “And now it came to pass that when King Benjamin had made an end of speaking the words which had been delivered unto him by the angel of the Lord, that he cast his eyes round about on the multitude.”
Now, let me just interject here, because this was delivered by the angel of the Lord. It means that this angel of the Lord came directly from the presence of God the Father and Jesus Christ, and that they had their hands in what was written in that talk. “So they cast their eyes round about on the multitude and behold, they had fallen to the earth.” Now that’s symbolic the seeker right before partaking of the fruit of the tree, which is salvation and knowing Christ, found in that painting that I’ve shown a couple of times now. And then it says, “For the fear of the Lord had come upon them.” Now that fear was the fear of their fallen condition before the Lord, they knew that they were not ready or even prepared to enter the Lord’s presence. How did they view themselves? Did they view themselves as righteous people, as righteous Latter-day Saints? No, they viewed themselves in their own carnal state; they saw themselves as the natural man, needing the salvation and redemption of Christ. Even less than the dust of the earth is how they view themselves. Now notice in bold, “They cried aloud with one voice saying–now again, this is the pattern for our own spiritual rebirth–”Oh, have mercy and apply the atoning blood of Christ that we may receive forgiveness of our sins.’–context for forgiveness here is all of our sins, a remission–’and our hearts may be purified for we believe’– i.e., have faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who created heaven and earth and all things– ‘who shall come down among the children of men.” Verse 3. “And it came to pass, after they had spoken these words, the Spirit of the Lord came upon them” –For what purpose?To baptize them in the Holy Spirit.–”And they were filled with joy, having received a remission of their sins, and having peace of conscience.” In the scriptures, that’s referred to the peace of God that passeth all understanding. And the remission of sins is, of course, a complete cleaning of the slate of every sin that we’ve ever committed, whether aware or unaware or able to remember the sin or unable to remember the sin, regardless, is a complete remission of sin, we are made perfectly clean, and we are then made into a newborn babe in Christ. And this all happens because of the exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ. It wasn’t a casual faith. It was an all in faith, a living faith that they received because they had put it all on the altar and surrendered all to Jesus Christ in their hearts. And then it says, “this exceeding faith which they had in Jesus Christ who should come according to the words which King Benjamin had spoken unto them.”
The exceedingly great joy comes from experiencing his salvation. The below experiences described some of the fruits from Mosiah 4 verse 11 “…come to the knowledge of–meaning experienced–the glory of God.–Notice, they came to the knowledge of his glory. Okay, the only way to come to the knowledge of God’s glory is to partake, i.e. experience his glory–or if ye have known– i e. experienced–of his goodness–and have tasted–i.e. experienced–of his love–and have received–i.e. experienced–a remission of your sins, which causeth such exceedingly great joy in your souls.”

These are the words of Heber C. Kimball. He, when he received the actual Holy Ghost, this is how he described it. Now, for Lorenzo Snow, “It was a complete baptism. a tangible immersion in the heavenly principle or element, the Holy Ghost… the same as apostolic times” (Lorenzo Snow, Eliza R. Snow, Biography and Family Record of Lorenzo Snow, pg. 8)
And then from the Doctrine and Covenants, this is taken from the dedication of the Kirtland Temple, which was actually a dedicatory prayer that was revealed word for word to the prophet Joseph Smith. “Let it be fulfilled upon them, as upon the day of Pentecost… And let thy house be filled.. with Thy glory.” (D&C 109:36:37)
What was to be fulfilled? The promise that they had received by the laying on of hands.
Jesus Christ taught, “Thou didst baptize by water unto repentance, but they received not the Holy Ghost; but now I give unto thee a commandment, that thou shalt baptize by water, and they shall receive the Holy Ghostby the laying on of hands, even as the apostles of old.” (D&C 35:5-6)
How many of us are aware that the original Twelve Apostles, it took them nearly three years, not quite three years, but nearly three years before the well ordained apostles received the actual Holy Ghost as on the day of Pentecost. That’s pretty interesting to know, isn’t it? Why would we assume that because hands were laid on our heads, we were entitled to this salvation without any diligent seeking, without any thought on the matter?
So one of the things that I learned in my own journey through my own experience is that I had to cry out to God and I did this repeatedly. And notice Alma’s words, “And never, until I did cry out unto the Lord Jesus Christ for mercy, did I receive a remission of my sins.” (Alma 38:8) We have to cry out. This is an essential key. It fulfills the law of asking. It’s a cry of the soul that only God can hear, and it may also involve an audible cry, but we have to cry and petition and cry out some more until we receive the promised blessing of the Father, sealed upon our heads by the laying on of hands.
President Nelson also referred to this “crying out”: “Many of us have cried out from the depths of our hearts… When you reach up for the Lord’s power in you life with the same intensity that a drowning person has when gasping and grasping for air, power from Jesus Christ will be yours.”
What power is this? It’s the power that arises through a perfect faith endowed by God. When we fulfill the requirements, including whole faith. and brokenhearted repentance.
We must come to the realization that unless and until we fall down and cry out–just like the man did in the painting right before partaking of the fruit, that unless we do this repeatedly–and we cry out repeatedly for mercy, we will remain the natural man and die in our sins.
His grace is not an automatic thing, simply because we may be members of His true Church. Why do we see so many missionaries within four years becoming inactive in the church?
My personal belief is they haven’t received the actual Holy Ghost. They haven’t received the promise and blessing. They taught about it, but they have yet to experience that. There’s no way that we can receive the knowledge of God and partake of his redemption and then become inactive in the church unless we are to turn against God completely and become sons of perdition, which would be an extremely rare event.
So we can’t be presumptuous about receiving this grace, this level of grace, receiving a remission of sins and manifestations of his spirit. No amount of doing alone can earn his grace. And this is precisely why we need a savior. It doesn’t matter how well we keep the commandments, we are always going to fall short.
This is why we are saved by grace through faith. Now it says in Nephi, “We labor diligently…to persuade our children…to be reconciled to God; for we know that it is by grace that we are saved after all we can do.” Here’s what we need to understand, no matter what we do, and I don’t care how much we do, no amount of doing can save us. What this really means is the term ‘after all we can do’ is ‘not withstanding all we can do’ or ‘regardless of what we can do’. No amount of “doing” can save us unless we do “faith unto repentance”.
Why is this? Because no matter all that we could do, it would simply never be sufficient to earn our own salvation in and of ourselves. Then we’d be relying on whose merits? Our own. “Look what I did.” “Look how good I am at my ministering visits. I’m 100% every month.” “I go to every meeting.” Right? And we can have those conversations in our heads, but here’s the deal. We have to realize that no matter what we do, we are going to fall short. And the only thing that we can do, truly, is fall on our faces and cry out to God for his mercy to save us. That’s what we can do. That’s why he saves us by grace through our faith in him, relying alone and wholly upon the merits of Him, who is mighty to save. Once we realize this, we will cry out for mercy repeatedly for his saving grace until the promised Blessing is received.
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