What Do the Funds Go Towards?
The Latter-Day Disciples is a registered non-profit. We accept donations through Donorbox that can be recognized or anonymous donations. Donations can also be made in any amount. When you make a donation, you are able to select one of two funds to donate to. The first is Latter-Day Disciples, which goes towards covering our operating expenses, such as podcast and website hosting fees, editing software, recording software and equipment, and event fees.
The second, the Secret Saviors Project, goes towards charitable causes, such as our Christmas Secret Saviors Project where we help families nationwide purchase food and presents, or help with needed expenses.
How Do I Donate?
Donations can be made at the Donorbox website, or in the form to the (left or right). Be sure to select whether this is a one-time donation, or a monthly one.

What About the Courses and Events?
We also host events and courses that have a minimal fee attached. These funds also go towards operating costs, such as the monthly course hosting fees, creation tools, and event fees like online meeting platforms, recording materials, etc. Any additional money is reinvested in creating new content, such as music commissions, or other business expenses and charitable donations throughout the year.