A man is saved no faster than he gets knowledge, for if he does not get knowledge, he will be brought into captivity by some evil power in the other world, as evil spirits will have more knowledge, and consequently more power than many men who are on the earth. Hence it needs revelation to assist us, and give us knowledge of the things of God.” 

– Joseph Smith, Jr –

Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith

Join the Club!

Coming 2024, the Latter-day Disciples team is pleased to announce Book Club! Gather with your fellow like-minded disciples as we strive for a clearer understanding of doctrine, seek faithful answers to our earnest questions, and discuss how to better embody the truths we are learning. 
We hope that this will provide an opportunity to connect our community to build meaningful relationships as we grow and learn together.
Register below for this special community learning experience! 

What Will We Be Studying?

This year we will be reading the ‘Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith’ Selected and Arranged by Joseph Fielding Smith.
Where can I find it? 

Reading Schedule

Beginning in January, we will meet virtually via Zoom on the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 8pm MST. 
January 10th: [1830-1834] pg 7-43
February 14th: [1834-1837] pg 47-80
March 13th: pg 80-113
April 10th: [1838-1839] pg 117-151
May 8th: [1839-1842] pg 155-188
June 12th: pg 188-222
July 10th: [1842-1843] pg 222-259
August 14th: [1843-1844] pg 259-294
September 11th: pg. 294-327
October 9th: pg 327-360
November 13th: pg. 360-395
*No Book Club in December*

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