
7 Ways to Promote Internet Safety for Your Kids

As a teacher, I saw a lot of different ways to tackle technology both in the home and the schools. Some shy completely away from using technology to preserve an “innocence bubble”, and others take a more “dive in and teach them how to swim” approach. Personally, I think the answer is somewhere in the middle, that best fits you and your family’s needs. But to find that balance, I think we need to be really aware of the good and bad that technology offers, and understand the tools and practices that will help us keep our kids safe.

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Ten Items to Add to Your Home Storage

We’ve talked about how part of the reason we want our food storage is to help us maintain our regular standard of living as long as we can in an emergency. When we experience uncertain times in our lives, there is a tension that arises, and the more of our every day normal we can maintain, the more we can manage that. In addition to food, we are all accustomed to certain other things that keep our home running smoothly. As we are working to build our food storage up, we should also think about the non-food things we use everyday, so that we can lessen the interruptions to our lives even more.

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Life-Long Learners

Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt. Robert D. Hales I have always loved learning. I grew up in a family of educators, so learning was always important

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How Much Food Storage Do I Need?

Ok, so let’s talk about the biggest question we have when we start working on our food storage… how much do I need?

This is something I really struggled with at the beginning of building up our food storage. Storage is a bit subjective, which makes it difficult for someone write up just exactly how much food to buy. Because when I started, I really wanted to find some list somewhere that told me, “Dude, go buy 200 cans of corn, and 150 cans of black beans, etc.” But I honestly don’t like canned peaches, and maybe you hate eating green beans.

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Three P’s of the Abrahamic Covenant

If you are following along with the Come Follow Me lessons, you know that over the next couple of weeks we are going to be studying the Abrahamic Covenant. We talk about this a lot, but sometimes I think that we think of the Abrahamic Covenant, as a promise God made to Abraham, but don’t really know what that means. Knowing a little more about his story helps give us some context about this Covenant

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