
Life-Long Learners

Lifelong learning is essential to the vitality of the human mind, body, and soul. It enhances self-worth and self-actuation. Lifelong learning is invigorating mentally and is a great defense against aging, depression, and self-doubt. Robert D. Hales I have always loved learning. I grew up in a family of educators, so learning was always important […]

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How Much Food Storage Do I Need?

Ok, so let’s talk about the biggest question we have when we start working on our food storage… how much do I need?

This is something I really struggled with at the beginning of building up our food storage. Storage is a bit subjective, which makes it difficult for someone write up just exactly how much food to buy. Because when I started, I really wanted to find some list somewhere that told me, “Dude, go buy 200 cans of corn, and 150 cans of black beans, etc.” But I honestly don’t like canned peaches, and maybe you hate eating green beans.

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Three P’s of the Abrahamic Covenant

If you are following along with the Come Follow Me lessons, you know that over the next couple of weeks we are going to be studying the Abrahamic Covenant. We talk about this a lot, but sometimes I think that we think of the Abrahamic Covenant, as a promise God made to Abraham, but don’t really know what that means. Knowing a little more about his story helps give us some context about this Covenant

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Create Your Own Spiritual Resolutions This Year

A few years ago, when I was still single, I was having a difficult time feeling like I wasn’t progressing, or doing “meaningful” things with my life. (I had graduated from college, had a career… now what?) So I started creating “New Year’s Bucket Lists” each year. I would include some physical/health related goals, some fun activities I wanted to try, and then at least one or two spiritual goals for the year.

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Resources for a Christ-Centered Christmas

The holidays are rolling in, and it’s my favorite time of year! I love the crazy bustle, and the general sense of anticipation that comes with it. I’ll be honest, I’m an early decorator, like before Thanksgiving early. (No shame) I love taking my kids to see Santa, driving around to see the lights, and making all of the special holiday treats.
But my favorite part of Christmas is being able to spend time focusing on Christ. This week, I’ve collected lots of ideas for how celebrate the birth of our Savior even more this year to help you prepare for Christmas the next couple of weeks.

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How Firm a Foundation

In the loved hymn, How Firm a Foundation, the Savior says, “The soul that on Jesus hath leaned for repose, I will not, I cannot, desert to his foes. That soul, though all hell should endeavor to shake, I’ll never, no never, forsake.” Over the years, I have had the thought, what if we switched who was speaking in this verse? What if we were in fact the ones singing this to the Lord? We are the soul that clings to the Savior for peace and safety, and no matter what the enemy sends our way, no matter how hard he tries to sway us, we become so reliable, so resilient that no matter how confusing the world gets, the Lord knows that not only will He not forsake us, but that we will never forsake Him

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