Building a 72-Hour Kit

Building a 72-Hour Kit ​

Written by Cheri Stirling

Preparedness, when properly pursued, is a way of life, not a sudden, spectacular program.

Spencer W. Kimball

One of the first places my husband and I started at when we started our temporal preparations was getting some 72 hour kits put together. This was an easier thing to check off, and it helps to quickly alleviate some of the stress of where to start. Each year, we pull them out to make sure they are up to date, and things are ready to go. 


What is a 72 Hour Kit? 

A 72 hour kit is a bag (usually a backpack) that is easily transportable, that contains everything you would need to survive for 72 hours, should there be an emergency. They are sometimes called “grab and go”, “bug out”, bags or “to go” bags. They include things like food, clothes, survival tools, and toiletries.


72 hour kits should be stored somewhere that is easy to get to. The idea is if there were some sort of disaster (i.e. earthquake, incoming flood, evacuation) you could grab the bags, and no matter what happened, you would have the basics to make it through the next three days. Generally, there is one per person in your family. (We currently have three children ages four, three, and  one, so their bag is combined.)

Start With What You Have

You might be surprised, but you probably have a majority of the things you need for a 72 hour kit already in your home!


Find an old backpack or bag you aren’t using. (Any bag will do to begin with, but backpacks are more convenient to carry during an emergency.) Then, go around the house and gather things you don’t use, but would be needed in a 72 hour period. Grab some comfy clothes, like those random t-shirts you never wear. Those miniature shampoo and conditioners from the hotels you’ve visited? Now they have a home! Food can be as simple as granola bars, ramen packets, and canned chili to start. As you start to gather things, you can make a list of things you would like to get, or replace eventually. We have compiled a list of items to look for to assemble your own kit, or are looking to level up your existing one!


To download the complete Printable PDF checklist, click here.

Ordering a 72 Hour Kit

Now, some people are crazy busy, and would much rather just buy a pre-made kit, so they are all ready to go! If that seems more your style, here are some places to check out to get you started:


Let us know how your 72 hour kit project goes. We’d love to see it!




    • Spencer W. Kimball, Regional Representatives Seminar Address, October 1976

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